Jewish Women of the American West
An Anthology of Articles Published by Western States Jewish History.
24 stories of women who made a difference and their contributions to the growth of the American West.
230+ pages. Click here for order form.
$25, single copy.
Table of Contents
Part One
The Anna Marks Quilt, Text & Introduction 1
Hannah Solomon Jacobs, Victoria Jacobs, Hannah Mannasse & Celita Mannassa of Old San Diego
by Audrey R. Karsh 5
Jeannette Lazard and Her Los Angeles School 13
Adele, Helene, Rebecca & Josephine: The Four Godchaux Ststers of San Francisco, by Flora J. Arnstein and Susan B. Park 14
Harriet Ashim Choynski: An 1850 Arrival to San Francisco,
by Norton B. Stern 23
Susan Levy, Corrine S. Koshland, Mary Goldsmith Prag, Amelia Dannenberg & Carolyn Anspacher: Five Pioneer Jewish Women of San Francisco
by Norton B. Stern 28
Alice G. Friedlander: A Portland Girl of Women’s Civil Rights
by Alice G. Friedlander 37
The Ladies’ Hebrew Benevolent Society of Los Angeles
by Virginia Katz 42
Hattie Ferrin: The First Jewish Girl Born, Educated and Married in Tucson, Arizona 45
Selma Gruenberg Lewis and Selma, California: A City Named After Her
by Norton B. Stern 48
Ray Frank: The Girl Rabbi of the Golden West
by Reva Clar and William M. Kramer 55
Part Two
The Fanny Brooks Quilt, Text and Introduction 99
Elizabeth Fleischman-Aschheim: X-ray Pioneer of California
by Norton B. Stern 103
Rosa Sonnechein, Publisher from St. Louis
by Dr. David Geffen 105
Dr. Sarah Vasen: First Jewish Physician of Los Angeles
by Reva Clar 110
Estelle and Herman Meyer of Galveston and Their Daughter Marguerite, A Memoir
by Marguerite Meyer Marks 121
Birdie Stodel: Los Angeles Jewish Community Leader
by William M. Kramer & Norton B. Stern 133
Communal Life of San Francisco Jewish Women
by Josephine Cohn 138
Trinidad, Colorado’s Jewish Women: The Domestic Basis of Community
by William Toll 159
Hattie Hecht Sloss: Cultural Leader of San Francisco
by William M. Kramer & Norton B. Stern 175
Part Three
The Sarah Thal Quilt, Text & Introduction 185
Anna Meyers, Modern Fund Raising Pioneer in the West
by William M. Kramer & Norton B. Stern 189
Rose Posotta: Jewish Labor Organizer in the Far West
by Gerald Sorin 201
Selina Solomons and Her Quest for the Sixth Star
by M. K. Silver 211
Edith Green: San Francisco Television’s Early Cook
by Wayne S. Wooden 224